
The Path to Unit Testing Happiness

Eis um video de uma apresentação do Steven Feuerstein parecida com parte da que assisti este mês em Lisboa.

Spend an hour with Oracle PL/SQL expert Steven Feuerstein and explore the code-testing challenges facing PL/SQL developers. He will demonstrate how the new Quest Code Tester for Oracle dramatically simplifies testing because it:

- Automates the unit testing process to greatly increase the number of tests defined and running on the application code base
- Executes tests with the press of a button and visually presents the automatically generated results
- Enables deep insight on test results and the development process through an in-depth repository and a rich reporting interface
- Generates numerous test cases using pre-defined test data groups and quick-build scenarios, leaving more time to write application code
- Improves the quality of code by finding more bugs, faster than ever.

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